available to the user:
$1 - $9 these variables are the positional parameters.
$0 the name of the command currently being executed.
$argv[20] refers to the 20th command line argument
$# the number of positional arguments given to this
invocation of the shell.
$? the exit status of the last command executed is
given as a decimal string. When a command
completes successfully, it returns the exit status
of 0 (zero), otherwise it returns a non-zero exit
$$ the process number of this shell - useful for
including in filenames, to make them unique.
$! the process id of the last command run in
the background.
$- the current options supplied to this invocation
of the shell.
$* a string containing all the arguments to the
shell, starting at $1.
$@ same as above, except when quoted :
"$*" expanded into ONE long element : "$1 $2 $3"
"$@" expanded into THREE elements : "$1" "$2" "$3"
shift : $2 -> $1 ...)
special characters
The special chars of the Korn shell are :
$ \ # ? [ ] * + & | ( ) ; ` " '
- A pair of simple quotes '...' turns off the significance of ALL enclosed
- A pair of double quotes "..." : idem except for $ ` " \
- A '\' shuts off the special meaning of the char immediately to its right.
Thus, \$ is equivalent to '$'.
- In a script shell :
# : all text that follow it up the newline is a comment
\ : if it is the last char on a line, signals a continuation line
qui suit est la continuation de celle-ci
Evaluating shell variables
The following set of rules govern the evaluation of all shell variables.
$var signifies the value of var or nothing,
if var is undefined.
${var} same as above except the braces enclose
the name of the variable to be substituted.
| Operation | if str is unset or null | else |
| var=${str:-expr} | var= expr | var= ${string} |
| var=${str:=expr} | str= expr ; var= expr | var= ${string} |
| var=${str:+expr} | var becomes null | var= expr |
| var=${str:?expr} | expr is printed on stderr | var= ${string} |
The if statement
The if statement uses the exit status of the given command
if test
commands (if condition is true)
commands (if condition is false)
if statements may be nested:
if ...
then ...
else if ...
Test on numbers :
((number1 == number2))
((number1 != number2))
((number1 number2))
((number1 > number2))
((number1 = number2))
((number1 >= number2))
Warning : 5 different possible syntaxes (not absolutely identical) :
if ((x == y))
if test $x -eq $y
if let "$x == $y"
if [ $x -eq $y ]
if [[ $x -eq $y ]]
Test on strings: (pattern may contain special chars)
[[string = pattern]]
[[string != pattern]]
[[string1 string2]]
[[string1 > string2]]
[[ -z string]] true if length is zero
[[ -n string]] true if length is not zero
Warning : 3 different possible syntaxes :
if [[ $str1 = $str2 ]]
if [ "$str1" = "$str2" ]
if test "$str1" = "$str2"
Test on objects : files, directories, links ...
examples :
[[ -f $myfile ]] # is $myfile a regular file?
[[ -x /usr/users/judyt ]] # is this file executable?
| Test | Returns true if object... |
| -a object | exist; any type of object |
| -f object | is a regular file or a symbolic link |
| -d object | is a directory |
| -c object | is a character special file |
| -b object | is a block special file |
| -p object | is a named pipe |
| -S object | is a socket |
| -L object | is a symbolic (soft) link with another object |
| -k object | object's "sticky bit" is set |
| -s object | object isn't empty |
| -r object | I may read this object |
| -w object | I may write to (modify) this object |
| -x object | object is an executable file |
| | or a directory I can search |
| -O object | I ownn this object |
| -G object | the group to which I belong owns object |
| -u object | object's set-user-id bit is set |
| -g object | object's set-group-id bit is set |
| obj1 -nt obj2 | obj1 is newer than obj2 |
| obj1 -ot obj2 | obj1 is older than obj2 |
| obj1 -ef obj2 | obj1 is another name for obj2 (equivalent) |
The logical operators
You can use the && operator to execute a command and, if it is successful,
execute the next command in the list. For example:
cmd1 && cmd2
cmd1 is executed and its exit status examined. Only if cmd1 succeeds is
cmd2 executed. You can use the || operator to execute a command and, if it
fails, execute the next command in the command list.
cmd1 || cmd2
Of course, ll combinaisons of these 2 operators are possible. Example :
cmd1 || cmd2 && cmd3
Math operators
First, don't forget that you have to enclose the entire mathematical
operation within a DOUBLE pair of parentheses. A single pair has a
completely different meaning to the Korn-Shell.
| operator | operation | example |
| + | add. | ((y = 7 + 10)) |
| - | sub. | ((y = 7 - 10)) |
| * | mult. | ((y = 7 * 4)) |
| / | div. | ((y = 37 / 5)) |
| % | modulo | ((y = 37 + 5)) |
| | shift | ((y = 2#1011 2)) |
| >> | shift | ((y = 2#1011 >> 2)) |
| & | AND | ((y = 2#1011 & 2#1100)) |
| ^ | excl OR | ((y = 2#1011 ^ 2#1100)) |
| | | OR | ((y = 2#1011 | 2#1100)) |
Controlling execution
goto my_label
case value in
pattern1) command1 ; ... ; commandN;;
pattern2) command1 ; ... ; commandN;;
patternN) command1 ; ... ; commandN;;
where : value value of a variable
pattern any constant, pattern or group of pattern
command name of any program, shell script or ksh statement
example 1 :
case $advice in
[Yy][Ee][Ss]) print "A yes answer";;
[Mm]*) print "M followed by anything";;
+([0-9)) print "Any integer...";;
"oui" | "bof") print "one or the other";;
*) print "Default";;
example 2 : Creating nice menus
PS3="Enter your choice :"
select menu_list in English francais
case $menu_list in
English) print "Thank you";;
francais) print "Merci";;
*) print "???"; break;;
while( logical expression)
while : # infinite loop
while read line # read until an EOF (or
done fname # redirect input within this while loop
until( logical expression)
for name in 1 2 3 4 # a list of elements
for obj in * # list of every object in the current directory
for obj in * */* # $PWD and the next level below it contain
break; # to leave a loop (while, until, for)
continue; # to skip part of one loop iteration
# nested loops are allowed in ksh
select ident in two # a list of identifiers
case $ident in
one) ....... ;;
two) ..... ;;
*) print "none" ;;
Debug mode
> ksh -x script_name
or, in a 'shell script' :
set -x # start debug mode
set +x # stop debug mode
Example 1 : loops, cases ...
USAGE="usage : fmr [dir_name]" # how to invoke this script
print "
| Start fmr shell script |
function fonc
echo "Loop over params, with shift function"
for i do
print "parameter $1" # print is equivalent to echo
done # Beware that $# in now = 0 !!!
echo "Loop over all ($#) parameters : $*"
for i do
echo "parameter $i"
if (( $# > 0 )) # Is the first arg. a directory name ?
print -n "Directory name:"
read dir_name
print "You specified the following directory; $dir_name"
if [[ ! -d $dir_name ]]
print "Sorry, but $dir_name isn't the name of a directory"
echo "-------- List of directory $dir_name -----------------"
ls -l $dir_name
echo "------------------------------------------------------"
echo "switch on #params"
case $# in
0) echo "command with no parameter";;
1) echo "there is only one parameter : $1";;
2) echo "there are two parameters";;
[3,4]) echo "3 or 4 params";;
*) echo "more than 4 params";;
echo "Parameters number (after function fonc) : $#"
#------- To read and execute a command
echo "==> Enter a name"
while read com
case $com in
tristram) echo "gerard";;
guglielmi) echo "laurent";;
dolbeau) echo "Jean";;
poutot) echo "Daniel ou Claude ?";;
lutz | frenkiel) echo "Pierre";;
brunet) echo "You lost !!!"; exit ;;
*) echo "Unknown guy !!! ( $com )"; break ;;
echo "==> another name, please"
#------ The test function :
echo "Enter a file name"
read name
if [ -r $name ]
then echo "This file is readable"
if [ -w $name ]
then echo "This file is writable"
if [ -x $name ]
then echo "This file is executable"
echo "--------------- Menu select ----------"
PS3="Enter your choice: "
select menu_list in English francais quit
case $menu_list in
English) print "Thank you";;
francais) print "Merci.";;
quit) break;;
*) print " ????";;
print "So long!"
Example 2 : switches
USAGE="usage: gopt.ksh [+-d] [ +-q]" # + and - switches
while getopts :dq arguments # note the leading colon
case $arguments in
d) compile=on;; # don't precede d with a minus sign
+d) compile=off;;
q) verbose=on;;
+q) verbose=off;;
\?) print "$OPTARG is not a valid option"
print "$USAGE";;
print "compile=$compile - verbose= $verbose"
Example 3
# This is a function named 'sqrt'
function sqrt # square the input argument
((s = $1 * $1 ))
# In fact, all KornShell variables are, by default, global
# (execpt when defined with typeset, integer or readonly)
# So, you don't have to use 'return $s'
# The shell script begins execution at the next line
print -n "Enter an integer : "
read an_integer
sqrt $an_integer
print "The square of $an_integer is $s"
Example 4
############ Using exec to do I/O on multiple files ############
USAGE="usage : ex4.ksh file1 file2"
if (($# != 2)) # this script needs 2 arguments
print "$USAGE"
exit 1
############ Both arguments must be readable regular files
if [[ (-f $1) && (-f $2) && (-r $1) && (-r $2) ]]
then # use exec to open 4 files
exec 3 <$1 # open $1 for input
exec 4 <$2 # open $2 for input
exec 5> match # open file "match" for output
exec 6> nomatch # open file "nomatch" for output
else # if user enters bad arguments
print "$ USAGE"
exit 2
while read -u3 lineA # read a line on descriptor 3
read -u4 lineB # read a line on descriptor 4
if [ "$lineA" = "$lineB" ]
then # send matching line to one file
print -u5 "$lineA"
else # send nonmatching lines to another
print -u6 "$lineA; $lineB"
print "Done, today : $(date)" # $(date) : output of 'date' command
date_var=$(date) # or put it in a variable
print " I said $date_var" # and print it...
Example 5
############ String manipulation examples ##################
read str1?"Enter a string: "
print "\nYou said : $str1"
typeset -u str1 # Convert to uppercase
print "UPPERCASE: $str1"
typeset -l str1 # Convert to lowercase
print "lowercase: $str1"
typeset +l str1 # turn off lowercase attribute
read str2?"Enter another one: "
str="$str1 and $str2" #concatenate 2 strings
print "String concatenation : $str"
# use '#' to delete from left
# '##' to delete all
# '%' to delete all
# '%%' to delete from right
print "\nRemove the first 2 chars -- ${str#??}"
print "Remove up to (including) the first 'e' -- ${str#*e}"
print "Remove the first 2 words -- ${str#* * }"
print "\nRemove the last 2 chars -- ${str%??}"
print "Remove from last 'e' -- ${str%e*}"
print "Remove the last 2 tokens -- ${str% * *}"
print "length of the string= ${#str}"
# Parsing strings into words :
typeset -l line # line will be stored in lowercase
read finp?"Pathname of the file to analyze: "
read fout?"Pathname of the file to store words: "
# Set IFS equal to newline, space, tab and common punctuation marks
,. ;!?"
while read line # read one line of text
do # then Parse it :
if [[ "$line" != "" ]] # ignore blank lines
set $line # parse the line into words
print "$*" # print each word on a separate line
done < $finp > $fout # define the input & output paths
sort $fout | uniq | wc -l # UNIX utilities
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